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Depending on the origin north or south, where the exits are:
North: Bologna Borgo Panigale;
South: Bologna San Lazzaro.
At the highway, for all directions, it is convenient to take the
bypass Bologna and exit No. 8 or No. 9 signposted on the Via Emilia
Granarolo San Donato.
Past Quarto Inferiore turn to the first bridge on the right and
after 350 meters was reached LOCANDA CA' SAN NIICOLO'.
Our telephone number is the following 335 619.65.48 or 051 76.12.96
Cà San Nicolò di Luca Taciti - Via San Donato 3/2 - 40055 Castenaso (BO) - Tel. +39 051761296 - Cell. +393356196548 - C.F. TCTLCU74S22G337J - P. IVA 02593180348 |
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